FEATUREFear vs Love - Yoga with Rona

Fear vs Love – Yoga with Rona

Hello! I’m starting a new weekly blog series called “Quotes that Inspire.” These posts will feature sayings or affirmations that are great for journaling topics or just a little something to meditate on. They’re meant to add a little inspiration and awareness to your week. This week’s quote is about fear vs love.

Quotes that Inspire

I heal the habit of fear and I embrace the habit of love.

Gabrielle Bernstein

We are driven by fear in a lot of our actions. Fear of rejection, inadequacy, exposure, humiliation and the list goes on. It is a habit that takes up so much energy and worse, it really holds us back from growth, experiencing joy, and living up to our full potential.

This quote reminds us to consciously heal our fears, that we are always enough and on the right path. That no opinion matters more than our very own. It is okay to make mistakes because we are all imperfect. Rather than engaging in fear-based behavior, take a step back and act with more awareness and out of love instead.

Simply put, when we act out of fear, it feels wrong. When we act out of love, it feels right. The more you attune yourself to the way you feel, the easier this gets. The more you listen to your intuition, the stronger the habit becomes until it is automatic.

One way to implement this, is to come face-to-face with your fear. Allow it to come and pass. We heal through feeling and being, not in hiding and denying. Yoga teaches us to experience our body without judgment, and the same is true when facing emotions like fear. Do not judge it. Just let it come and let it be. Then, let it go quietly.

In embracing the habit of love, we engage in making more connections rather than causing separation. We welcome more positivity, joy and growth.

Journal Prompt: Fear vs Love

What are some of my fear-based behaviors?

How can I allow my fears to come and go in a healthy way?

What can I do today that is love-based rather than fear-based?

Yoga Pose to Try: Fear vs Love

Try reclined butterfly to quietly settle in as you feel any emotions that come up. Let the feeling come to you and allow it to release as you open up the hips and chest. Sometimes it is easy to let go and other times, not so. When we practice yoga we do not judge. We simply allow and observe. Healing comes from acceptance.

Fear vs Love – Yoga with Rona

Reclined Butterfly | Supta Baddha Konasana

Reclined butterfly, also known as reclined bound angle, opens the chest and hips while helping to reduce fatigue and stress.

Sanskrit: Supta Baddha Konasana

Drishti: nose or eyes closed

Counterpose: bridge, reclined hero, savasana


  • Yoga mat
  • Folded blankets (optional)
  • Bolster (optional)
  • Straps (optional)


      1. Start in a seated position with your legs extended. Bring the soles of the feet together and let your knees fall out to the side. You can place blocks or folded blankets under the knees for support.
      2. Slowly lean back using your hands for balance and lie back on the mat or with a bolster underneath your back. Bring your hands out to the sides, palms up.
      3. Melt onto the floor and stay for five to ten breaths, or longer. To come out, slowly roll onto your side and come to a seated position.


Modifications: Place folded blankets or blocks under both knees for support. You may also place a bolster underneath your back. Use straps draped under your lower back, over the things and around the feet to hold legs in place if needed.

Preparatory poses: butterfly, hero, wide legged forward fold, triangle

Follow-up poses: bridge, savasana

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