But I hear you – you don’t have the time for a 6o mins class.
Well – there’s a general misconception that yoga is a physical practice, and it’s more than that. But you do need to learn, you do need to make time to get the experience of the inner peace, which only comes if you make it a habit to invite inner peace and calm into your life.
We tend to forget that the goal of yoga is to still the fluctuations of the mind, and the physical asana is one way, but according to a wise sage, Patanjali – there are various other practices like meditation, mantras, pranayama (breathing etc) that can help us on our way to a peaceful life. And Patanjali says further that abhayasa and vairagya is the key. (Abhyasa : effort, willpower, practice. Vairagya : letting go, acceptance, detachment.)
With consistent, regular practice, you get to practice to be present and let go of the outcome and any anxiety or tension that you hold in your body and your mind.
Time is subjective.
If you are yes to yoga, you will make time.
If you are a Yes to Self Care and being kinder to yourself every day, everything else will fall as it should do.
If you are a YES to nourishing yourself and to take better care of your mental health, you will make it happen.
But I know I can’t convince you to start taking care of yourself if you’re not ready to make that shift in your mind; if you’re not willing to take charge of your fertility mental health and that you don’t believe that you do have time to slow down, and that you do deserve to rest.
But since you’re here and reading this post, then you are ready for change.