CAREKindness, Empathy, I Am Love

Kindness, Empathy, I Am Love

Happy New Year!

If you follow me on Instragram (@dailydownwarddog) you may have caught a few of the pictures I selected and posted to mark each day of December. I have had an incredible year and felt like I really needed to stop and look back at everything I did, and everywhere I traveled so that it didn’t become a blur. I wanted to really appreciate the abundance in my life and take stock before setting any new intentions for the New Year. If you have not done this, I highly recommend taking a scroll back through your photos on your iphone and read through your journal. Celebrate all that you have accomplished. I know that when I rush off to the next thing, before taking note of where I’ve been, it is almost as if I was stealing from the past.

I saved my favorite picture from 2018 to post today on New Year’s Day 2019. It was taken during my Paradise in Panama retreat in April. I went for a beach walk along the gorgeous shores of Cambutal right in front of the Sansara Surf and Yoga Resort with a few women on the retreat with me. We happened upon one of our fellow yogis Veronica, who had been writing mantras and drawing mandalas in the sand. They were gorgeous, and we had to stop to admire the beauty and the light that was radiating from her.

Kindness, Empathy, I Am Love

Happy with what I am, with what I have, and where I am. A calm mind.

Wow – how powerful to etch the words of a mantra into the sand for the universe to see and for your heart and mind to absorb.

I asked Veronica if she would please draw the words Daily Downward Dog into the sand. She picked up her etching tool and got to work and when I came back to see her artwork you can imagine my surprise and delight. She had added a few words that she felt described my teaching and spirit.

Kindness. Empathy. Love.

Thank you, Veronica, for this beautiful gift and moment. I have these words etched into my mind now, so that every time I step onto my mat to practice or to teach a yoga class, or go out in the world to serve, it is a reminder to embody Kindness, Empathy, and Love for all beings.

I stopped making New Year’s Resolutions a long time ago, and this year my mantra is really simple.


I will strive to do everything from my heart and from a place of love. That I will not be driven by struggle or fear, but instead by love. The love in my mantra has kindness and empathy woven into it.

Want to join me? You can use this mantra too. Just keep repeating it when you practice, when you meditate, when you get stressed out. Stop, pause, and breathe it in. I am on the inhale, love on the exhale. The meaning and vibration of the words will soak in deeper into your heart and mind and bring you peace and joy.

Wishing you all a New Year that is full of abundance and blessings. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti. Namaste.


I’m going back to Panama in April for another Paradise in Panama Yoga Retreat April 14-20 at Sansara – click here for more information!



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