Just like yoga is a practice in awareness, being happy is the same- happiness is a practice that you can cultivate intentionally. It is a state of mind to nurture and to guard against those who may try to make you feel less. Guarding happiness does not mean denying all the bad or unhappy things happening to you and around you, it only means seeing the light amidst all the darkness.
This is part of a weekly blog series called “Quotes that Inspire.” They’re meant to add a little inspiration and awareness to your week. This week’s quote is about finding moments of happiness even when life is tough.
Quotes that inspire
Life is a hard battle anyway. If we laugh and sing a little as we fight the good fight of freedom, it makes it all go easier. I will not allow my life’s light be determined by the darkness around me.
Sojourner Truth
In 1867, abolitionist and women’s rights activist Sojourner Truth talks about how life is a hard battle. It truly can be, especially if you feel powerless in your own life. Sojourner knows more than anyone how powerless it may feel when life circumstances are against you. But just because life is hard does not mean you should give up on finding happiness.
Rather than feeling defeated, Sojourner suggests finding little moments of joy. ‘If we laugh and sing a little as we fight the good fight of freedom, it makes it all go easier.” There will always be struggles. Doing what makes you feel lighter and easier can help a lot. Whether that’s singing, laughing, exercising, cooking, playing with your pet or listening to music – whatever it is that gives you a moment of relief, create those moments and allow yourself to simply feel and be present.
Finding joy while acknowledging that life is a battle strikes the perfect balance between being grounded in reality while allowing yourself the freedom to experience happiness. The world around us can be very problematic. There are political turmoils, environmental crisis, countries at war, people dying of starvation, discrimination and it goes on. You may not solve or help everything and everyone all at once but you are still allowed and should feel happiness.
Guard your light and protect your peace because if you don’t, who will? Sojourner was indeed a bright light in her time, (and in our modern times too) inspiring everyone around her. She fought for her freedom and for the rights of African Americans and all women. She knew to guard her light and to use it in service of others.
Sojourner’s quote reminds us to practice happiness. We can acknowledge life’s challenges while still staying true to who we really are – we are all just someone who wants to laugh and sing.
Journal prompt: Happiness is a practice
How can I practice more happiness in my daily life? What are the things, people and activities that genuinely make me happy?
What small actions can I take to improve not only my own happiness but those around me?
Yoga pose to try: Warrior 1
You are the guardian of your own peace and happiness. Be a warrior and the master of your own actions. Try warrior pose, a stance of strength and balance.

Warrior 1 | Virabhadrasana 1
Warrior 1 is a fundamental standing posture that stretches the arches, ankles, knees and thighs. This is also a good pose for broadening the chest and stretching the hips and shoulders. Additionally, warrior 1 helps build endurance.
Sanskrit: virabhadrasana 1
Drishti: forward or upward
Counterpose: downward facing dog
- Stand in mountain pose.
- Inhale, step your right foot forward. Turn the heel of your left foot in slightly so that it’s about 45 degrees angle.
- Exhale and bend your right knee to about 90 degrees. Next, extend both arms overhead while keeping the legs engaged. Root your tailbone down and engage the core while keeping the arms straight.
- Hold for several breaths and repeat on the other side.
Variations: for a gentle variation, only keep a slight bend on the front knee, depending on your comfort level. Other variations include cactus and eagle arms.
Preparatory poses: downward facing dog, runner’s lunge
Follow-up poses: low plank, warrior 3