CAREMake time for 'Me Time', says AXA's new campaign for the sandwich...

Make time for ‘Me Time’, says AXA’s new campaign for the sandwich generation – The Yogini from Manila

The sandwich generation is defined as those caught in the middle of caring for children, on one hand, and the elderly on the other hand. These are couples who already have their own growing families to care for and may have 1 or both parents (or an elderly relative) who are living with them or dependent on them. Often, this exerts a lot of stress on the middle-aged adults as they have to do a balancing act in caring and many times, it is accompanied by a heavier financial burden. Not only do they have less time for themselves but in some cases, they are pushed to take on extra jobs in order to meet the financial demands of their situation. They also find it hard to say NO and when they do, they experience guilt.

This stress can be seen in our Filipino culture where our children often stay with us until they get married (and sometimes even after they are married) and our aging parents also become dependent on us. On one hand, it is because we are a naturally nurturing people but on the other hand, it puts the burden on those taking care of both ends of the age spectrum.

Recognizing this, AXA recently launched a campaign, ‘Make Time For Me-Time’, that would encourage the sandwich generation to do self-care. Their insight reflects AXA’s continued focus on promoting positive mind health both in and out of the workplace. This includes raising awareness of its importance to overall health and breaking down stigma through initiatives like its annual Mind Health and Well-being Study, as well as equipping individuals with the tools to improve their own mental well-being, such as through its recent Fit to Flourish series that provided a path to developing the 10 skills that underpin good mental health.

Make time for ‘Me Time’, says AXA’s new campaign for the sandwich generation – The Yogini from Manila

Gordon Watson, CEO of AXA Asia and Africa, says “For the sandwich generation in Asia, cultural expectations mean it is normal to spend your waking hours caring for others, whether at home or at work. Yet AXA’s own research and experience in serving our customers shows that self-care is critical to well-being and the more you care for yourself, the more you can care for others. We therefore want to normalize the importance of taking time out for yourself, free from guilt, as a necessary part of what it means to be well.”

AXA created this video to highlight their ‘Make Time For Me-Time’ campaign.

The new campaign makes use of different colors that affect one’s mood. Soft blues help with mental fatigue; red is associated with energy and improving blood circulation; and yellows create a sense of warmth.

To bring this to life, AXA collaborated with renowned artist YOSHIROTTEN to create an ‘Art Care Series’. A specially created series of eye, breathing and stretching exercises aim to soothe the body and mind using the science of shape, colour and sound. Ranging from 30-seconds to 15 minutes in length, the outdoor activations will be placed in high-traffic areas to remind people to take time out for themselves.

We know that slow and deep breathing brings down stress and helps us to focus. It is widely practiced not only in yoga but also in other holistic forms like Tai Chi and Qigong. Here is a short breathing exercise that AXA created.

For those of us who use our eyes a lot each day in front of the computer, here is a brief eye exercise too.

Created by Publicis Groupe Hong Kong, ‘Make Time for Me-Time’ is launching Asia-wide in markets including Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand and the Philippines, with influencers sharing their personal experiences and tips for making time for Me-Time.

Do you make time for yourself? Feel free to share what you do with me in the comment section below.

Categories: Health, Women’s Health |
Tags: AXA, Make Time for Me-Time, Me time, self-care |

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